About Sahla

The minds of today are on the frantic search for secrets paths that would lead to happiness and success in life. This search often ends in vain which could be the cause of added misery in their lives. But the secret is simple; just smile. This isn’t just a random statement. It is something that has been experienced first-hand and its miraculous wonders unraveled. The power of smile holds the key to open our mind’s doors that would lead us to the path of success, thus says Sahla Parveen.

Sahla Parveen is an entrepreneur, trainer, success coach, author and artist. Born in Kerala, she has fought her way up the ladder with sheer determination to become one of the leading international trainer. She is the managing director of Give and Grow global foundation and director of Haydays.

During her childhood, though she suffered from dyslexia, a learning disability characterized by difficulty in reading, she has turned all odds into her opportunities and become one of the dazzling stars in the field of entrepreneurial and professional trainer.

Well speaking of stars, that is what her name suggests too. The name Parveen means a ‘cluster of stars’. She has a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause. Well, true to her name, Sahla, even from her graduation days has realized that her purpose in life is to share with others what she knows well. That has made her to take up training from her college days itself, as she started training her fellow students and students from other colleges, and even held sessions for teachers too.

A MBA graduate, Sahla has won many prizes and accolades in her collage days. Her innovative thinking and speaking ability has helped her win the 5 times in Best Manager Competition in nation management fests.

It was then that she realized that if she was poor at reading, she was the master at speaking, and it indeed was her new path, which she used to transform her fellow beings. Deeply inspired by Nick Vujicic and Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, Sahla believes that the only thing that draws a person back is himself, and if he believes in himself, then nothing can stand in his way. Through her training sessions, she unravels various methods through which one can unlock the full potential of one’s mind and be a successful person in life and profession.

Born with a talent for colours, Sahla takes along with her the hobby of painting. Her deep intellect, positive thinking and warm personality is reflected on her warm and vibrant hued paintings. She believes that a beautiful canvas can be a personality and mood changer.

She has also authored a book titled The Beauty of Purpose in Life.

She is a powerful social media influencer, and her pep talk videos have created a huge positive impact on people.. She considers that she have a great purpose in life that is nothing other than to help people in converting their beautiful dreams into a reality.

Her beautiful purpose in life has laid the foundation for Give And Grow Global Foundation. Wisdom sharing is main motto of the company. The one who is sharing their wisdom is giving partner and the one who is receiving the wisdom is the growing partner. The real happiness is when you are able to share your knowledge and wisdom for the growth and development of others. Sahla always speaks from her heart and that keeps her sessions live, so that she brings out a life in her sessions. She is a constant learner, she helps to learn how to use the power of mind and to direct the power of your subconscious mind to create success, happiness and more.

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